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Camera traps are an essential tool for wildlife monitoring and ecological research. They generate vast amounts of data that require careful processing, cleaning, and analysis to extract meaningful insights. Researchers use camera trap data for tasks such as species identification, biodiversity assessment, activity pattern analysis, and occupancy modeling. However, handling and analyzing this data can be complex and time-consuming.

The Need for Simplification

Processing and analyzing camera trap data in R often requires multiple steps, from cleaning raw data to statistical modeling and visualization. The maimer R package addresses these challenges by providing a modern, tidyverse-friendly workflow for camera trap data analysis. Using tidy evaluation principles, it enables users to efficiently manipulate and transform datasets. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with ggplot2, allowing users to generate highly customizable visualizations.

Key Features of maimer

The current complete list of functions is here.


You can install ‘maimer’ directly from GitHub using the following command:

# Install devtools package if you haven't already
if(!'remotes' %in% rownames(installed.packages())){

# Install maimer from GitHub
