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This function visualizes the temporal overlap between two species' activity patterns based on time-of-day data. It uses kernel density estimation to estimate activity densities and highlights areas of overlap between the two species.


  xscale = 24,
  xcenter = c("noon", "midnight"),
  n_grid = 128,
  kmax = 3,
  adjust = 1,
  rug = FALSE,
  overlap_color = "gray40",
  overlap_alpha = 0.8,
  linetype = c(1, 2),
  linecol = c("gray10", "gray0"),
  linewidth = c(1, 1),
  overlap_only = FALSE,
  rug_lentgh = 0.018,
  rug_color = "gray30",
  extend = "lightgrey",
  extend_alpha = 0.8,



A numeric vector of time-of-day observations (in radians) for species A.


A numeric vector of time-of-day observations (in radians) for species B.


A numeric value to scale the x-axis. Default is 24 for representing time in hours.


A string indicating the center of the x-axis. Options are "noon" (default) or "midnight".


An integer specifying the number of grid points for density estimation. Default is 128.


An integer indicating the maximum number of modes allowed in the activity pattern. Default is 3.


A numeric value to adjust the bandwidth of the kernel density estimation. Default is 1.


A logical value indicating whether to include a rug plot of the observations. Default is FALSE.


A string specifying the color of the overlap area. Default is "gray40".


A numeric value (0 to 1) for the transparency of the overlap area. Default is 0.8.


A vector of integers specifying the line types for species A and B density lines. Default is c(1, 2).


A vector of strings specifying the colors of the density lines for species A and B. Default is c("gray10", "gray0").


A vector of numeric values specifying the line widths for species A and B density lines. Default is c(1, 1).


A logical value indicating whether to plot only the overlap region without individual density lines. Default is FALSE.


A numeric value specifying the length of the rug ticks. Default is 0.018 (in normalized plot coordinates).


A string specifying the color of the rug ticks. Default is "gray30".


A string specifying the color of the extended area beyond the activity period. Default is "lightgrey".


A numeric value (0 to 1) for the transparency of the extended area. Default is 0.8.


Additional arguments passed to the geom_rug function.


A ggplot object representing the activity density curves and overlap between the two species. If overlap_only = TRUE, only the overlap region is displayed.


This function calculates kernel density estimates for two sets of time-of-day data (A and B) and visualizes their overlap. The time-of-day data should be expressed in radians (0 to 2π).

Key features of the plot:

  • The x-axis can be scaled to represent hours (default xscale = 24) or other units.

  • The center of the x-axis can be adjusted to "noon" or "midnight".

  • A shaded polygon highlights the overlap region between the two density curves.

  • Optionally includes a rug plot to indicate raw observations.

  • Allows customization of line types, colors, widths, and transparency.

  • Extended regions (beyond the primary activity period) can be highlighted for clarity.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # Generate random data for two species
  species_A <- runif(100, 0, 2 * pi)
  species_B <- runif(100, 0, 2 * pi)

  # Plot overlap with default settings
  mm_plot_overlap(A = species_A, B = species_B)

  # Customize plot with specific colors and line types
  mm_plot_overlap(A = species_A, B = species_B, overlap_color = "blue", linecol = c("red", "green"))

  # Include rug plots and change transparency
  mm_plot_overlap(A = species_A, B = species_B, rug = TRUE, overlap_alpha = 0.5)
} # }